How do I use the Issue Dashboard and generate reports?

Once you have created issues using the Mobile App or directly within Oculo, you can use the Issue Dashboard to manage and update them en-masse, to filter for specific categories and statuses, then automatically generate reports!

The video below will cover the article's contents:

The Issue Dashboard

Issues can be centrally managed for a project within the Issue Dashboard, which can be accessed either:

  • From the Site Dashboard, click View All Issues in the Issues card.

  • From the 360 scan by selecting the Open issues symbol

The Issue Dashboard looks as the screen pictured below:

ISsues Dashboard GIF

  1. Clicking on any issue will open up the issue pane on the right hand side, where issue details can be reviewed or updated.

  2. Along the top of the page are several Filters you can apply to shorten the list of issues presented. 

  3. Click Clear All Filters to return to the default view, or you can untick specific filters.

  4. Issues can also be sorted by any of these fields, by clicking the small arrow that appears next to the header of each column.

Creating Reports

You can create reports from the Issue Dashboard, that will inherit any filters applied in the dashboard. 

  1. Firstly, apply the filters required for your report within the Issue Dashboard.
  2. Click the Report button.
  3. You can choose to either Preview, which will open up a PDF report that you are able to 'Print as PDF', or to Download as Word, which you can select to download an editable version of the report. 


You can now create and manage issues, and generate reports automatically. What a timesaver!


Last updated: 28/01/2022