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How to install an older camera firmware version

In some exceptional circumstances a camera firmware downgrade might be required. Here are the steps.

Note: This process would only be needed on the guidance of Oculo customer support, who will advise which firmware version is required.

  1. Please can you go to this link and download the earlier version of firmware to your computer: https://www.insta360.com/download/insta360-x4

  2. Plug your camera into the computer, select U-Disk mode on the camera, and open up the USB Drive in Windows Explorer
  3. Copy the downloaded firmware file Insta360X4FW.bin from your Downloads folder onto this USB Drive (do not put it inside any of the folders, just on the 'base' USB drive)

  4. Once transferred, unplug the camera. It will automatically detect and install this older firmware version


Last updated 18/08/2024